Root Canal

An abscessed tooth is a serious problem that needs immediate attention. However, an abscessed tooth is perfectly treatable by root canal dentist Dr. Snider if caught in its early stages. What exactly is an abscess? It’s an acute disease that arises when a tooth’s pulpal tissue is infected and that infection spreads to the outside of the root, entering the bone and soft issues that surround the tooth.

Common symptoms of an abscess include:

  • Pain resulting from biting pressure, touch, or hot liquids
  • Enough pressure to partially push the tooth out from the socket, resulting in the infected tooth contacting the opposing set of teeth before any others
  • Enough pressure built around the outside of the tooth from the infection to cause a tooth to become loose
  • Swelling confined to the tissues around the infected tooth
  • An exaggerated asymmetry of the face; this could be caused by swelling that starts in the gums around the infected tooth and spreads to the lips, cheek, or neck areas

Don't risk the serious complication that can result from an untreated abscessed tooth. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Ray Snider of Lake Country Dental at the earliest signs of any symptoms. Just call (855) 337-0099 or complete the online form. If you have any questions, please give us a call!

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Lake Country Dental
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Dr. Ray D. Snider

Dr. Jamie L. Marr

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Lake Country Dental
8461 Boat Club Road
Fort Worth, TX 76179
General Info: (817) 236-8771
Comfortable, Affordable Care

 Call for an appointment:
(817) 236-8771

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